Planet Of Ants Mac OS

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How many times has this happened to you? You've written a littleJava utility, or maybe even a more complex application, and you want tocreate Mac OS X application bundle for easy distribution.

You'd like to be able to do it automatically from your build process,but you're forced to go run the Apple Jar Bundler and tweak all thesettings manually every time you build.

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We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

Well no more! JarBundler is a feature-rich Ant task which willcreate a Mac OS X application bundle from a list of Jar files and amain class name. You can add an Icon resource, set various Mac OS Xnative look-and-feel bells and whistles, and maintain your applicationbundles as part of your normal build and release cycle. It is freesoftware licensed under the GNU General Public License.

I finally had to wait a few days before our installation of Prinect 2017 and SignaStation before upgrading everyone in Prepress to Mac OS Sierra. Before that some of us used Adobe CC 2017 on Sierra and others used the older CC 2015 on Mac OS Mavericks. As Zoran wrote, Prinect 2017 runs fine on Sierra. We have been using it for almost a month now. Planet Stronghold is a sci-fi role-playing game with a turn-based combat system. You take the role of a young, new recruit that somehow gets assigned to the most well-known, and well-defended, human outpost in the whole galaxy: Planet Stronghold. As the story goes on, you'll have to choose a side in a a war that will change the destiny of the.

This release is based on the earlier work ofSeth Morabito.

This project was taken over by Tobias Bley and moved to GitHub August 2015.

What's New, April 2014

  • Issue a warning when using deprecated 'shortinfostring' attribute
  • Issue a warning when using deprecated 'aboutmenuname' attribute
  • Added the optional 'copyright' string attribute to JarBundler task
  • Added the optional 'allowMixedLocalizations' boolean attribute to JarBundler task.
    Many thanks to Tobias Fischer for these additions and updates.


Source and binary, all platforms (ZIP)
Source and binary, all platforms (TAR):jarbundler.tar.gz


Move the file jarbundler-2.3.1.jar into your local ANT lib directory. Remove any older versions at this time.

Using in the Build file

To use the Jar Bundler Ant Task, create a task definition in yourANT build.xml file like this:

Now, from a target, you can add the 'jarbundler' task.

Task Attributes, required

dirThe directory in which your application bundle will be created.
nameThe name of your application bundle (minus the '.app' extension).
mainclassThe name of the main class to run when the application bundle is launched.
jarA single jar file to be used in your application.
Not Required if there are nested <jarfileset> or <jarfilelist> nested tasks.
Can be used with nested <jarfileset> and/or <jarfilelist> tasks i.e. all jar files will be added to the class path.

Task Attributes, optional

allowMixedLocalizationsIf true, the bundle supports the retrieval of localized strings from frameworks. This should be set to true if your app supports different languages.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations
argumentsExtra command-line arguments for the Java application.
The corresponding bundle variable is Arguments
buildApplication build number. This string is used in the default 'About...' box along with the 'version' number. This default About Box format is 'version (build)' i.e. '4.3.1 (231)'. Also see version and infostring attributes.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleVersion
bundleidUnique identifier string for the bundle. This string should be in the form of a java package name, for example
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleIdentifier
copyrightA string with the copyright notice for the bundle; for example '©2014, My Company'
The corresponding bundle variable is NSHumanReadableCopyright
developmentregionThe development region of the bundle.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleDevelopmentRegion
extraclasspathA list of files or patternsets (space or comma seperated) to add to the bundle's classpath. The files referenced by this property will not be copied into the bundle, so the resulting .app may only work on systems that have these external resources available.
helpbookfolderSpecify the directory name of the Help Book in the 'resources' directory. When this name must match the directory name when using the <resourcefileset> task to copy the Help Book HTML files into the bundle.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleHelpBookFolder
helpbooknameSpecify the name of the Help Book. This is string is also used as the META tag to designate the initial HTML file to be loaded into the Help Viewer application.
<meta name='AppleTitle'/>
NB: The Apple Help Book system does not open the file index.html by default. Although it is a good practice to use this filename with the embedded META tag shown above.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleHelpBookName
iconFile reference to a Mac OS X icon file. This file is created with the Mac OS application located at '/Developer/Applications/Utilites/Icon Composer'
infostringA string for display in the Finder's Get Info panel. Also see version and build attributes.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleGetInfoString
jvmarchsA space delimited string. Used to take advantage of 64-bit computing.
Example: jvmarchs='i386 x64_86 ppc'
lsArchitecturePriorityA space delimited string. Contains an array of strings identifying the supported code architectures and their preferred execution priority.
jvmversionThe version of the JVM required to run the application. Typically a string in the form '1.3', '1.3+', '1.4', '1.4+', etc.
The corresponding bundle variable is JVMVersion
ADC: Specifing the Java Version after installing J2SE 5.0
shortnameThe string used in the application menu.
This string is often shorter than the application's name. For example, 'Microsoft Word' displays 'Word'.. Apple recommends that this string be limited to 16 characters. JarBuilder enforces this limit silently by truncating shortname. If the shortname is not specified then the application's name will be used with no truncation.
showplistIf true, display the contents of the Info.plist file
signatureThe four-letter code identifying the bundle.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleSignature
splashfile**Needs link to Apple Technical Document**
stubfileIf set, the location of a Mac OS X Java Application Stub file to use for this application bundle. See the section 'Specifying the Java Launching Stub File' below.
Required for Windows or Linux
Under MacOS, if the referenced file does not exist, then the file name will be used in the bundle to reference a copy of the JavaApplicationStub. This usage provides a way for each Java application to have a uniquely named executable file name. This is useful when using the UNIX 'top' command to distinguish applications.
suFeedURLUsed to check for new version of the applications.
verboseIf true, output more verbose information to Ant while the task is running.
versionVersion number displayed in Finder, this version number can be though of as the 'Marketing' version without distracting build information. The marketing version is a string that usually displays the major and minor version of the bundle. This string is usually of the form n.n.n where n is a number. Also see build and infostring attributes.
The corresponding bundle variable is CFBundleShortVersionString
vmoptionsCommand line options to pass the JVM at startup.
The corresponding bundle variable is VMOptions
workingdirectoryThe working directory for the Java application.
The corresponding bundle variable is WorkingDirectory

Task Attributes, deprecated

aboutmenunameThe string to display in the 'About' menu of the running application. (Deprecated under JVM 1.4.1)
antialiasedgraphicsIf set to true, use anti-aliasing when rendering graphics.
Use <javaproperty name='apple.awt.antialiasing' .../>
antialiasedtextIf set to true, use anti-aliasing when rendering text.
Use <javaproperty name='apple.awt.textantialiasing' .../>
chmodThe full path to the BSD 'chmod' command.
execsA list of files or patternsets (space or comma seperated) to place into the 'Resources/MacOS' directory and set executable.
Usage Warning: Filenames and directory paths can sometimes contain spaces and commas. If these characters are present the build will fail mysteriously when using this attribute.
Use <execfileset/> or <execfilelist/> nested tasks instead.
growboxShow the Aqua resize (grow) box.
Use <javaproperty name='apple.awt.showGrowBox' .../>
growboxintrudesResizable window's growbox (resize control) intrudes into AWT content. If turned off, the bottom of the window is pushed down 15 pixels. (Deprecated under JVM 1.4.1)
jars A list of jar files or patternsets (space or comma seperated) to be used in your application.
Usage Warning: Filenames and directory paths can sometimes contain spaces and commas. If these characters are present the build will fail mysteriously when using this attribute.
Use <jarfileset> and/or <jarfilelist> nested tasks instead.
typeThe Mac OS type of the bundle.
This attribute is redundant with the implied behavior this ANT task i.e. CFBundlePackageType should always be set to APPL for applications.
shortinfostringUse infostring attribute instead.
smalltabsIf set to true, tab controls in Swing applications more closely resemble the Metal look and feel. If set to false, the tabs assume a larger size more similar to the default Aqua controls. (Deprecated under JVM 1.4.1)
liveresizeIf set to true, enable live-resizing of windows. (Deprecated under JVM 1.4.1)
screenmenuIf set to true, puts Swing menus in the Mac OS X menu bar if using the Aqua look and feel.
Set the apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar property instead: <javaproperty name='apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar' value='true'/>

Nested DataType Task


The nested jarfileset element specifies a FileSet. Allfiles included in this fileset will be included in the applicationbundle and added to the app bundle classpath. Only required if thejars attribute is not set.


The nested jarfilelist element specifies a FileList. Allfiles included in this filelist will be included in the applicationbundle and added to the app bundle classpath. Only required if thejars attribute is not set.

<javaproperty ...>

This ANT DataType element allows developers to specify java propertiesfor the info.plist. This DataType repalces many jarbundler tag attributes. However, ifa deprecated attribute is used it will take precedent over a javaproperty. This was doneto maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of jarbundler.

This task takes name/value pairs:

Additional Java Properites can be found in the Apple Developer Connection document: Apple Java Properties for JDK 1.4+


The nested execfileset element specifies a FileSet. Allfiles included in this fileset will be added to the applicationbundle's 'Contents/MacOS' directory and set executable. Optional.


The nested execfilelist element specifies a FileList. Allfiles included in this filelist will be added to the applicationbundle's 'Contents/MacOS' directory and set executable. Optional.


The nested resourcefileset element specifies a FileSet. Allfiles included in this fileset will be added to the applicationbundle's 'Contents/Resources' directory. Optional.


The nested resourcefilelist element specifies a FileList. Allfiles included in this filelist will be added to the applicationbundle's 'Contents/Resources' directory. Optional.


The nested javafileset element specifies a FileSet. Allfiles included in this fileset will be added to the applicationbundle's 'Contents/Resources/Java' directory. Optional.



The nested javafilelist element specifies a FileList. Allfiles included in this filelist will be added to the applicationbundle's 'Contents/Resources/Java' directory. Optional.


The nested extraclasspathfileset element specifiesa FileSet. All files included in this fileset will be added to theapplication bundle's classpath, but the files will not becopied into the bundle itself. This allows you to specify externalsystem classpath dependencies without bundling the resources. Resourcescan be files or directories. Optional.


The nested extraclasspathfilelist element specifiesa FileList. All files included in this filelist will be added to theapplication bundle's classpath, but the files will not becopied into the bundle itself. This allows you to specify externalsystem classpath dependencies without bundling the resources. Resourcescan be files or directories. Optional.

Note on FileList and FileSet target locations

Note that in fact the files are installed in locations which have the same relation to either Contents/MacOS or Contents/Resources directories as the files in the FileSet or FileList have to the 'dir' attribute. Thus in the case:

the *.jnilib files will be installed in Contents/Resources/ppc


A minimal example might look like this

This will create a Mac OS X application bundle called '' inthe directory 'release' using a JAR file which was created in the 'build' directory.

You can use FileSets or FileLists for more complex builds. For example:

Advanced JarBundler Tasks

Planet Of Ants Mac Os Catalina


Released: Dec 2010 (version 2.2.0)

  • Added the optional 'jvmarchs' space delimited string attribute to JarBundler task.
    Thanks to Tobias Bley and his team
  • Added the optional 'lsArchitecturePriority' space delimited string attribute to JarBundler task.
    Thanks to Tobias Bley and his team
  • Added the optional 'suFeedURL' string attribute to JarBundler task.
    Thanks to Tobias Bley and his team

Released: Oct 2008 (version 2.1.0)

  • Added the optional 'startOnMainThread' boolean attribute to JarBundler task.
    Thanks to Mitch Coopet for his patch and the many other feature requesters.

Released: Jan 2007 (version 2.0.0)

  • Added the optional 'splashfile' attribute to JarBundler task.
    Thanks to Angelo van der Sijpt for this addition.
  • When run under any Window OS, the file separator for included libraries is writtenwith a backslash, ', instead of a forward slash, '/'.
    Thanks to Anthony Goubard for this fix.
  • Version 2.0.0 isn't a major release, but the license as changed to the more flexible Apache Software License v2.0 (ASLv2). This allows the JarBundler ANT task to be bundled into other packages whose licensing does not conform with the GPL.
  • Removed the dependency on the Xerxes API when writing the info.plist file. We lost the indenting but can look into this later.
    Thanks to Christian Menz for providing this modification to the source code.
  • ANT commands and shell script for creating a Disk Image. (Mac OS X only)
    Thanks to Philip Weaver for providing these. See 'Creating a Disk Image'

June 19, 2006 (version 1.9)

  • Deprecated chmod attribute. Using the ANT task 'Chmod' internally.
  • Using the ANT task 'Delete' internally to delete any pre-existing '.app' file
  • Added the <service> nested task. This matches a task used in the JEditbranch of JarBundler.Thanks to Björn 'Vampire' Kautler for providing source code.
  • Add UTI specifier to document types. Thanks to Deerwood McCord Jr. for the implementation.

April 12, 2006 (version 1.8.1)

Fix bug when using localized Help Books, the menu application would appears as (null)

Corrected the encoding for the Info.plist XML file so that the copyright character,amongst others, are processed correctly. Thanks to Christian Roth for both pointing out the encoding problem and providing a one line solution!

April 11, 2006 (version 1.8)

Added bundle attribute to documenttype task in order to specifydocuments which are in reality directory trees, yet treated as a single entity by the Finder.Thanks to Deerwood McCord Jr. for the implementation.

Added mimetypes attribute to documenttype task in order to specifyMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types for the document.Thanks to Deerwood McCord Jr. for the implementation.

No longer required to delete the existing application bundle, i.e. .app directory, before invoking the jarbundler task. This is now done by the task itself.

The filename of the stubfile attribute will be used as the Java Application Stub filename within the bundle and for the value of the CFBundleExecutable key in the Info.plist. This usage provides a way for each Java application to have a uniquely named executable filename. This is useful when using the UNIX 'top' command to distinguish applications.Thanks to Deerwood McCord Jr. for the this idea.

Info.plist is built internally as a DOM tree instead of concatenating strings. This resulting DOM tree is serialized into the file using two space indentation and one tag per line.

Improved readablity of the verbose output. The contents of the Info.plist fileis controlled by the showPlist attribute.

Reorganize JarBundler documentation by splitting out advanced features

March 22, 2006 (version 1.7)

Added <documenttype> nested task so that file associations can be set upfor the application. Thanks to Dan Stowell a sample 'Info.plist' file containing document type entries.

Added <javafileset> and <javafilelist> nested tasks,which mirror <resourcefileset> and <resourcefilelist>, in order to add files to the Contents/Resources/Java directory

Added Apple Help Book support by...

  • Adding helpbookfolder attribute to the jarbundler task
  • Adding helpbookname attribute to the jarbundler task
  • Adding javafilelist nested task to assist in moving the Help Book JNI library to the correct location. (see above)

Thanks to Will Lowe for an example Help Book project with JNI code.

Split the 'Hello, World' example into a complex build which associatesdocument types and uses a Help Book, and a simple minimal build

Reorganize 'example' source directory to include Objective-C JNI code and usepackage structure for 'Hello, World' application rather than putting everything

Planet Of Ants Mac Os X

March 2, 2006 (version 1.6)

Planet Of Ants Mac Os 11

Added <resourcefileset> and <resourcefilelist> nested elements,which mirror <execfileset> and <execfilelist>, and add files to the Contents/Resources directory.

Added build attribute to jarbundler task. See also versionand infostring for usage.

Planet Of Ants Mac OS

Added jar attribute to jarbundler task.

Added shortname attribute to jarbundler task. See also namefor usage.

JarBundler is now a SourceForge project!

Changed task package to net.sourceforge.jarbundler

February 2006 (version 1.5)

Changed the package from 'com.loomcom.ant.tasks.jarbundler' to 'com.informagen.ant.tasks.jarbundler' so that version 1.4 can remain installed without conflict

Planet Of Ants Mac Os Download

Added a nested DataType called 'javaproperty' so that new properties can be added by end users and deprecated properties can be removed. Former jarbundler tag atributes are still available but have been deprecated in favor of their 'javaproperty' equivalents.

Currently, a jarbundler tag attribute overrides a javaproperty tag. This was done to maintain backward compatibility with version 1.4

13 November 2004 (version 1.4):

Fixed a bug that was causing application arguments not to be set.

23 October 2004 (version 1.3):

Added 'extraclasspath' attribute, and 'extraclasspathfileset' and 'extraclasspathfilelist' nested elements, allowing users to optionally add external resources to the runtime classpath which will not be copied into the application bundle at build time. Removed some Java 1.4 requirements to allow building the sources under Java 1.3. Clarified the documentation.

26 July 2004 (version 1.2):

Planet Of Ants Mac Os Download

Added Ant property setters for 'bundleid' and 'developmentregion'. Bundleid has no default, and is optional. Developmentregion defaults to 'English', and is also optional. Fixed documentation on the website.

26 July 2004 (version 1.1):

Fixed several minor bugs, and improved BuildException messages. Jarfilesets and execfilesets now preserve directory structure when copying. Thanks to Trevor Harmon for pointing out bugs and enhancements.

25 July 2004 (version 1.0):

'execs' and 'jars' can now be set using embedded FileSets or FileLists. Added a 'verbose' flag, which currently sees limited use. Added 'chmod' attribute, which can be used to point to a non-standard 'chmod' command (not normally needed!) Increased error checking. Hopefully, the code is now robust enough for widespread production use!

28 Dec 2003 (version 0.5):

Added setter for 'execs' attribute. Added setter for 'workingdirectory' attribute. Fixed missing setter for 'arguments' attribute. Added alternate Java runtime parameter names for Mac OS X Java VM version 1.4.1. Included change submitted by Pierre-Luc Paour. Thanks also to Dante Briones and Graham Perks for pointing out bugs and enhancements.

12 October 2003 (Version 0.2:)

Added setter to properly support the 'vmoptions' parameter.(Change submitted by Alok Saldanha)


Please contact Will Gilbert if you have bugs to report, patches to the code,ideas for enhancements, or any other suggestions! I can be reachedat


Thanks to Dan Stowell for suggesting the 'documenttype' task and supplyingand example Info.plist file.

Thanks to Will Lowe for providing an example project which implemented 'AppleHelp Book' support for Java.


The Jar Bundler Ant Task is Copyright © 2002 - 2006, Seth J. Morabito. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenseas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program; if not, write to the Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.