Second Chance (itch) (pooris) Mac OS

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Second Chances



Gibbs let Tony go and came to regret it. Now, he wants a second chance...and finds two.


Author's notes: A/R. There is no Tali. When Tony left DC, he was reassigned to a post in England. Just in case there is any confusion - this is a work of fiction and not reality. For entertainment purposes only.

Spoilers: Centered around the end of S14 and beginning of S15, but does not follow the series exactly.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter Text

May 2017

Gibbs stared at his flip phone. The same number had been programmed as number one on his speed dial for years. Then he wondered if Tony had changed it when he left the States. He sighed heavily. Tim would know. But he didn’t want to bug Tim.

Closing his eyes he tapped the keys in the familiar pattern. Even though he had speed dial, he preferred to dial by memory. It was a matter of pride for him; that his memory was still sharp enough to memorize phone numbers.


Just hearing Tony’s voice made him smile. “Tim wanted to call you, but he was busy.”

“I have my plane ticket, see you in two months.”

“Tony, look. Tim wanted to tell you himself…,” Gibbs began.

“What’s wrong? Delilah is okay, isn’t she?”

“She’s fine. She collapsed and Tim called the ambulance.”

“Oh, no! What the hell happened?”

“DiNozzo, she’s pregnant. And she’s fine. They decided to move up the wedding.”

“Oh, okay. I can change my ticket. When are they getting married?”

“Last night.”

The silence stretched out uncomfortably, before Tony managed a simple, “I see. I guess I’d need to borrow the DeLorean.”


“Movie reference. In Back to the Future, Dr. Emmett Brown turns a DeLorean into a time machine. Why did they get married last night?”

“They were both getting too stressed with the wedding planning.”

“Is that what caused Delilah to collapse?” asked Tony.

“They think so. With the pregnancy, they thought it was best to move forward with a small, simple ceremony.”

“Just the team?”

“Yeah. In your old apartment.”

“Sorry I couldn’t make it.”

“Ah, hell. Tony, I didn’t call you to make you feel bad.”

“Then why did you call?” he asked curtly.

“This isn’t easy for me to say. I made a mistake.”

“Everyone makes mistakes.”

“Rule fifty-one.”

“Do you need my help with something? Why did you call?”

“I never should have let you leave,” Gibbs admitted.

Tony paused for a few seconds before he replied, “It was my choice.”

“I pushed you away. I was an asshole. I am sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Tony said stiffly.

“I want you to come back.”


“I want you to come home.” The silence stretched on for several seconds. “Tim and Delilah are going to host a party in July, to celebrate with everyone; people who weren’t here for the wedding.”

“Tell Tim to call me. If he wants me there, he should invite me himself,” Tony snapped before abruptly ending the call.

Gibbs stared at the disconnected phone, wishing he could reach out and head slap Tony through the lines. “I just want you to come home,” he said softly. “For good.”

An hour later, Tim called to explain the full story to Tony and extend an official invitation. “You weren’t the only one who couldn’t be here. My mother and Sarah weren’t here. Neither was Delilah’s family; her parents and her cousin from England who is like a sister to her. We were so stressed. I couldn’t put Delilah through anymore.”

“I get it. She wanted to fit in her wedding dress. Congratulations. To both of you.”

“Thanks, Tony. I really want you to be here. You’re the closest thing I have to a brother. Just, please consider coming. I’ll send you the details once we get them worked out. We’re thinking, maybe something around the fourth of July.”

“Sure. I’ll check my schedule.”

*** *** ***

June 2017

A month later, Bishop called Tony. “Hey Tony, it’s Ellie.”

“Let me guess, you called to talk about Tim and Delilah’s party? Is Tim too good to call me?”

“It’s been postponed. Indefinitely.”

“Is Delilah that self-conscious about her pregnancy? Please don’t tell me she’s filed for divorce already. I can’t imagine McGoofus screwed up that badly already.”

“No. It’s much worse than that.”

“Is she okay?”

“She’s a wreck. Gibbs and Tim are missing in Paraguay. I’m sorry, Tony. It’s confidential, but I thought you would want to know.”

“What the hell happened?”

Ellie gave him a brief rundown of the op; how Gibbs, McGee, and Torres helped Matt Dean rescue three boys from a terrorist group. When she relayed that Torres said Gibbs had remained behind, covering them so they could get away, Tony shook his head. She continued on to explain that Tim had made it to the helicopter, but jumped out and ran to Gibbs’ side, as the chopper flew away.

“What the hell were they thinking?”

“I don’t know. We’re not sure if they even survived. We’re treating this situation as an abduction. Torres said Gibbs was acting like he didn’t care if he died. But Nick was surprised that Tim joined him, seeing how he’s recently married and his wife is pregnant.”

“I’ll be on the next flight out.”

“Tony, no. Wait. I wanted to let you know. Vance would have to clear for you to leave your post.”

“Like Hell.”

“They’re in hearings. It’s not under our jurisdiction anymore. We didn’t follow DOD protocols,” Ellie said.

“So, no one is even looking for them?”

“We are. I am. Just on the down low. We’re going to find them.”

“I’m on my way. Vance can fire my ass if he wants to,” said Tony, right before he disconnected the phone and started searching online for a flight.

*** *** ***

September 2017

Gibbs didn’t want any fanfare. He insisted that he and Tim be allowed to ride on the next cargo plane out of Paraguay. It was a long flight and they both slept the majority of the journey. Each had been given a box that contained food and water for the trip. Tim had finished everything in his box before he went to sleep. Gibbs had rationed his.

When Tim awoke, Gibbs offered him a granola bar and a bottle of water; insisting Tim take it, even after he tried to politely decline.

Two Marines escorted the pair back to the Navy Yard after their long debriefing. It was dark out, by the time they were dropped off with instructions that Vance was waiting to see them.

Gibbs remained silent as they rode the elevator to the top floor. Tim followed him to Vance’s office. While Gibbs kept his eyes straight ahead, Tim glanced down, over the bullpen. His eyes widened, but he said nothing as they went into the office.

*** *** ***

Jimmy Palmer was waiting in Vance’s outer office when their meeting wrapped up. He stood up and smiled when Gibbs and Tim emerged. Stepping forward, he hugged them both. “Tony asked me to drive you over to Tim’s house. We’re having a small gathering to welcome you home. Just the team, nothing too big.”

“Did you say, Tony? As in DiNozzo?” asked Gibbs.

“Yeah. Didn’t Vance tell you? Tony showed up here after you went missing, insisting the director let him search for you and help bring you home. Since he was in town, Vance put him in charge of your team. Until you got back. Not forever.”

“Not a better man for the job.” Turning to Tim, Gibbs added, “Go on. Let Jimmy take you home.”

Second chance (itch) (pooris) mac os catalina

“You, too, Boss. They’re all waiting for both of us.”

Shaking his head, Gibbs said, “Not really my speed. I have some…things I want to check on.” Leaning forward, Gibbs hugged Tim tightly and whispered in his ear. “Go home to your wife. Relax. Get better.”

“Thanks, Boss. You should rest up, too.”

Gibbs nodded and walked over to the staircase. The bullpen was empty. His muscles ached as he walked down the steps slowly. Although he glanced toward the desks, he stopped at the window and looked out over the city lights, finding them oddly comforting after all the months of being locked in a tiny room with no windows.

A few minutes later, Bishop walked up behind him. “Welcome back, Gibbs. It’s good to see you,” she said. “I was about to leave for Tim and Delilah’s. The team is gathering there tonight. I just had a couple reports to wrap up first.”

Turning slowly, he reached out and hugged her. His eyes were drawn to the desks. “Tony’s back?”

“Yeah. He’s been running the team; working to get you and Tim back home. He’s here before me every morning, and he’s here when I leave for home every night. I think he’s been sleeping under your desk.”

“Where is he?”

Biting her lip, she turned and looked across the bullpen. “I’m not sure where he is right now. Maybe he went over to Tim’s. Abby and Nick left a while ago. It’s been really hard on Delilah, so we’ve all been spending time with her and helping where we can.”

Reaching out, Gibbs cupped her cheek. “Go on. Be with the team.”

“Come with me. I’ll drive. Then I can drop you off at your house afterward.”

“I don’t think so. Not tonight. You go on. I’ll see everyone later.”

Focusing her eyes on his, she nodded slowly. “Okay. I’ll tell them you needed some rest first.”

Ellie gathered her things as Gibbs walked over to his desk. Reaching across the stacks of paper and folders, he picked up the Mighty Mouse stapler and smiled. As he took a seat, his chair still felt comfortable, familiar. Tony hadn’t adjusted it any differently. Out of a need to get back to normality, he picked up the top folder and began perusing the case file.

Eventually, Tony appeared at the top of the staircase. Something was obviously on his mind as he took the steps quickly. At one point, he glanced down over the bullpen, looking to see if any of his staff were still around. When he saw Gibbs, he immediately stopped, frozen in place. Their eyes locked on each other for several seconds.

“You look like hell,” Tony called downward. “Worse than when you went to Mexico.”

“Well, Paraguay is a ways south of there. It’s no wonder I look worse. Not to mention the whole being-held-captive thing.”

Tony quickly descended the rest of the staircase and walked across the bullpen. Gibbs rose to his feet.

“No need to get up,” said Tony. “It’s your desk.” When he saw the file in Gibbs’ hands, he added, “My case.”

Gibbs smiled, closed the file and tossed it back on top of the pile. “I haven’t read a case file in months. Missed it.”

Moving around the desk, Tony leaned in and hugged Gibbs. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Pushing back, he took a closer look. “You are okay, aren’t you?”

Gibbs rubbed a hand over the stubble on his chin and nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

“You look like you could use a good meal. Or ten. I take it you don’t feel up to going over to Tim’s place?”

Gibbs shook his head. “Not my thing, really. I just want to go home. Get some rest in a real bed.”

“I’ll drive you. We can grab some Chinese takeout on the way home,” he said as he retrieved his weapon and badge from the desk drawer.

“Don’t you want to go see Tim?” Gibbs asked.

“I’ll see him tomorrow. You look like you could use some food and some rest. Maybe even a shot of bourbon or two. Let’s go.”

“I don’t want to put you out.”

“You’re not. I’ve been staying at your place.”

“My place?”

“I kept your lawn mowed and the plants watered. You’re welcome.”

“Thanks. Why?”

“I wasn’t going to stay in England with you missing. Ellie called to tell me. I caught the next flight back here. When I stopped in to talk to Vance, he reassigned me as temporary lead of your team. I needed a place to stay and figured your house was empty. I really didn’t think you’d mind.”

“I don’t.”

*** *** ***

Despite Gibbs’ return, Vance insisted on Tony continuing to run the team until Gibbs cleared his physical and psyche evaluations, and requalified with his weapon. Tony offered to move to a smaller desk at the end, but Gibbs told him that was silly. If Tony was still in charge, he should have the larger desk.

“It’s not like I’m cleared to do anything,” said Gibbs.

Tony was concerned for Gibbs’ health and made sure to keep plenty of food at the house. It took him two days before he convinced Gibbs to shave off his scruffy whiskers. The morning Gibbs shaved, Tony walked up behind him, staring at him in the mirror.

“Better,” he said. As he ran his fingers through Gibbs’ gray hair, he added, “I like it long.”

“It’s a change. I remember when my hair was short and yours was long and shaggy.”

Tony ran his fingers through his own hair. “There is a time and place. I don’t have enough time in the morning to mess with long hair anymore.”

“And I do?”

“You don’t need hair product. Your hair looks great without any fuss.”

“They didn’t allow us to shave,” Gibbs admitted. “No showers unless they thought we smelled bad. Our clothes were dirty and torn. Minimum food.”

Pulling Gibbs into a hug, Tony held him for several minutes. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. Tim, too.”

“We saved the boys. It was worth it. We’ll be fine. Eventually.” Pushing back, Gibbs looked into Tony’s eyes. “Damn, I missed you.” Using both hands, he cupped Tony’s chin, then leaned forward to kiss him, relieved when he didn’t pull away. “Glad you’re back,” he whispered when the kiss ended.

It took a month before Gibbs and Tim were cleared for duty.

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A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

New part of the Taboo Stories series, I hope you like it! This time the story is really big and contains about 60,000 words in total.
Also, for me, this is a kind of milestone, summing up the result of my training of the new engine - Unity.
Brief description: the Main character is a college student named Tristan or just 'T', still lives in the parent house, and one day he sees his mother sleeping peacefully on the sofa in a slightly open robe, and suddenly this pushes him on the forbidden path.
This is an unusual visual novel, all the characters and locations are completely made in 3D, some scenes are animated and you can control the speed, as well as different camera angles, as the game development, I will add more and more animated scenes.
I hope you enjoy it!
I also hope you will participate in the Early Access program and support me on my Patreon.

You will get:

  • Early access to new chapters as soon as they are finished, a new Chapter will be released every month + - week.
  • Your name (nickname) in the special 'Thank you' section after the game is released.
  • My infinite respect!

To participate, you must be active member at least 'Spectre' tier (5$ or more) on my Patreon.

At the end of Early Access, the cost the game will be 14.9$.
You also have a chance to get the game for free account. At the end of Early Access, I will raffle 50 keys among the participants.

Hey guys, want to see this and other games in Your language? You have a great chance to help me with this. The game is currently available in English and Russian, but you can help me translate it to other languages. Visit my GitHub repository for information and instructions!
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Release date Feb 18, 2020
GenreVisual Novel
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Adult, Erotic, Male protagonist, NSFW, Romance, sex, sexual, Singleplayer
LicenseMIT License
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, Russian
AccessibilityOne button
LinksPatreon, Twitter


Click download now to get access to the following files:

Version 3
Version 4

Development log

  • HotFix patch 0.25.1
    Feb 22, 2020

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Please provide android supoort for this great game

nah, have to get rid off a lot to get a more or less playable version for phones. In future projects maybe. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I have the game but I can not download the game


and it goes on telling my key is out dated

I have a question I paid 15.00 dollars because( I am not cheap either)

Will i get a key to or is this a wait till it's done thing.

I just thought to help out to get the game get done quicker

After buying BTB, I followed the emailed link, and I get blocked after the intro, with a message saying I need to become a patreon supporter to continue. Is this a mistake? Did I only buy a brief intro?

Hello, sorry for the inconvenience, but the game is not yet sold, the distribution model that is named 'Pay what you want',

Second Chance (itch) (pooris) Mac Os X

so you actually can download without payment, (or like those guys:D)

also on the page under the banner 'Early Access' describes the current state, but if you are super confused, after the end of early access, I will send you a key so that you do not have to pay twice.

I hope I helped)

'You donated to the game on 2020-02-21 16:40:23 for $7.50 with the email' I'm no 50 cent donor. I thought I was buying it, when I paid what popped up in the recommended tab. So, I'm to understand I spent $7.50 on a normally free demo?

So, I'm to understand I spent $7.50 on a normally free demo?

Yep, but as I wrote above, you can consider it a purchase, after the game is released, I will send you a Key, not a big deal, dude)

Looks like fun I'll give it a go. Though, if I may, I recall Patreon cracks down hard on taboo content, so I would devise the taboo/INC content on a patch specifically for patreon so they don't flag and take you down. I don't know Itch's policy on it, but I'd walk with the side of caution.

Yes, the rules of the Patron are very strict, but apparently I can't upload games and describe them in detail on site, so I give links to, and all Ok. I posted about the release of the First part ('Summer Vacation') in August last year, since then, no warnings from the Patron did not come)) I Hope everything will continue like this)

Second Chance (itch) (pooris) Mac Os Download

The game is a lil too big and doesn't run well on my computor. if you end up making a second game can you make it with renpy? because it'll just run better in general.

Second Chance (itch) (pooris) Mac Os Catalina

To be honest, RenPy sucks, it's so bad that I get sick of the very name of It. The reason I chose Unity is to drop all these not-so-engines (RPG Maker, RenPy, Wolf, and so on) and start doing something cool that I'll like myself ^_^

Second Chance (itch) (pooris) Mac Os Update

You know the game has graphics settings - you can reduce the resolution or reduce the quality. Even if you have a potato computer you will be able to play.

Hope it helps)